Friday, October 25, 2013

The process of creation and manifestation of Healing

What I will talk about today is that process of creation and manifestation of healing. Many have heard of it or read about it without giving it a second thought. But once you do, you can alter your life experience.

The process of creation/manifestation of healing is quite simple and works BUT one as to not simply want healing but as to act as healed, FEEL as healed. Most inner thoughts and feelings we have about ourselves or life are rooted in Love/Acceptance or Fear/Denial. We are creators, we are using the creative force of Life/Universe every single instant of our lives! In order to heal, we must first choose it and be in action!

Now, more about Manifestation: it is about being clear about what you desire to experience in your life, then find the feeling that lies underneath that desire and focus on it, FEELING it as if a REALITY! Then take actions and start FEELING as if what you asked for is already present in your life! You can imagine yourself with better health. NOW the MOST IMPORTANT THING to remember is that IT works all the time but if our thoughts and emotions are rooted in fear we produce difficult experiences for ourselves! We attract to ourselves what we send out as energy. The Universe is like a huge Xerox machine so to speak. Our thoughts and emotions, and feelings have to be empowering ones to bring positive outcomes...
Let's say, in your mind you want to heal but feel deep down inside you have no power over it, the healing will probably not occur since both mind and feeling are not connected and on the same energetic wave length, this create a mixed message so the results, in matter, will be mixed as well!

One day, I came across someone who made a huge difference in my life by showing me how the process of creation works and this person is Dr. Deepak Chopra...and then Gregg Bradden's work had also a huge impact because it showed scientifically, stuff that has been known and experienced for years by ancient sages of many traditions...we can heal ourselves!

In order to heal the physical body, we must first heal the energetic body. The energetic body refers to a complex web of interactions of energy centers in the Physical Body corresponding to what Hindus call "chakras". The primary centers are located in the center of the brain (6th chakra), the heart (4th chakra) and the belly (2nd chakra) with secondary centers at the top of the head (7th chakra), throat (5th chakra), solar plexus (3rd chakra) and base of the spine (1st chakra). The energetic body loses power when any or all of these centers become depleted, drained, exhausted, over-stimulated, unstable, and/or disengaged (inert and latent) and when this happen we get physically sick.

You can heal this body by going for energetic treatments done by an educated and well trained energetic therapist. You can also help this process by meditating, doing Yoga and Pranayama and by again, FEELING as you are Healing. The Universe is like a huge Xerox machine that responds to your feelings!

Now, knowing this, a question arises. What are we going to CONSCIOUSLY do with that creative and healing power we all have?

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